What We Know, What We Don't
One show can't fix our growing divide. Even a fun one. But f*ck it, we're going to try. And it all starts with this simple premise: We only know what we know.
What We Know, What We Don't
(4/9) Dream A Big Scary Dream
Peter Rosch and Benita Conde
Season 4
Episode 9
Confronted with any opportunity, former President and Managing Director of Wieden + Kennedy, Jess Monsey, asks herself: will this bring me light? Will this bring me joy? If it does? She follows those things. Her incredible enthusiasm and optimism have always been pointed at unearthing goodness and good things and passionately championing them. And lucky us (all of us), Jess has moved into some fantastic new directions, including working as an Executive Coach for Creative Leaders and Entrepreneurs, while also putting her talents toward helping people—young and old—lean hard into what brings them the most joy. It was an absolute pleasure to have her on the show!