What We Know, What We Don't
One show can't fix our growing divide. Even a fun one. But f*ck it, we're going to try. And it all starts with this simple premise: We only know what we know.
What We Know, What We Don't
(4/14) Nothing New
Peter Rosch and Benita Conde
Season 4
Episode 14
Jess Brown is the absolute right person to run designer brand House Of JX and living proof that eye-on-the-prize has no set timeline. After all, there's so much to see and do in the world, and Jess has done and seen a ton. Some of which wasn't great to discover—but the extra fire she needed to know the time was right for her 100% circular fashion accessories company to storm the world. This was an eye-opening conversation about sobriety, impulse, intuition, and the human experience. Enjoy.