What We Know, What We Don't
One show can't fix our growing divide. Even a fun one. But f*ck it, we're going to try. And it all starts with this simple premise: We only know what we know.
What We Know, What We Don't
(4/17) Constructive Conflict
Peter Rosch and Benita Conde
Season 4
Episode 17
"Difficult conversations are opportunities in disguise, if you know how to have one." Hard to put it better than guest Natalie Garramone has. It might be worth your time to take the conflict style test linked here before listening, or listen and then take it—bottom line: we ALL have a ton to learn and a real opportunity for more peaceful, constructive professional and personal lives via the practices, observations, and wisdom that Natalie employs with her conflict resolution venture ONE EIGHTY.
Take the conflict style quiz here: Conflict Styles Assessment
You can also connect with Natalie via the following links:
Natalie on LinkedIn
ONE EIGHTY on LinkedIn